Ridge Renewal

We often talk at Ridge/Vespers about how the Gospel of Jesus is bigger than just our private lives... His good news is for the renewal of cities, communities, and whole societies reeling from the brokenness of this fallen world.


By partnering with the Jesus Center in this new project, we have a chance to see a powerful instrument of this kind of gospel transformation take shape.

Please prayerfully consider how God might be calling you to use your gifts to see this ministry flourish. Is it through leading a Bible Study? Teaching a life skill seminar? Helping serve a meal? Donating clothing? Or could it be through a financial gift to the Capital Campaign? There are so many different opportunities! By God’s grace, he’ll use YOU in ways far beyond your imagining to bring Gospel renewal to our city.

This is an Opportunity to…

» Care for the poor

» Join with other believers

» Increase shelter capacity:
58 beds in Phase I and 80 beds in Phase II

» Offer families the only no cost shelter beds in Butte County


We invite you to join us in supporting the work of the Renewal Center!

(Pastor Josh)
Ridge Presbyterian (Logo)